Wooden Spoon churned through its first full year of baking on June 20th this summer and Jason and I are glad and thankful to have found ourselves on the very busy side of being busy! While we've done much baking and our pastry chefs have created delicious sweets during our first year, what we have been most surprised about is just how many breakfast sandwiches we've marched out of our kitchen, into your hands only to watch them disappear in your stomachs! We hadn't really planned on Jason being tied to the burner all day long, every day long. Pretty soon we'll need to hire a prep cook to do all the prep cooking that Jason can't seem to get to anymore. So, if we run out of sticky buns some wild Saturday morning and can't get around to making another batch, you know the reason. Blame it on the breakfast sandwich monsters. The good news is that Jason can make some darn good eggs.
And so we'll thank everyone again as we have in the past for offering up a very lovely and very successful first year to Wooden Spoon.
Jeanette & Jason.