Friday, June 25, 2010

One week in...

Jason and I are spent, as was expected, but happy to be open and meeting new customers. Many have stopped by in hopes of finding lunch and we would like to announce that we'll now be serving it Tuesday thru Sunday from here on out. To begin with, the menu will include baguette sandwiches such as tarragon chicken salad and goat cheese with vegetables, as well as salads. As we progress we will offer soups, especially this fall and winter!

Tomorrow morning we will be testing out gluten free quiche. So far we have made gluten free shortbread cookies, flourless chocolate cake and we will always offer Noosa yogurt with house made granola. Slowly we will add more items to the gluten free menu and hope to be a spot where everyone can buy a fresh baked good for breakfast or lunch.

Our first week has been enjoyable and tiring. We can't say enough about the neighborhood we've found ourselves in and only hope to be a humble little store front with good food, atmosphere and company. Thanks for checking in and before too long we will link you to our real website. One thing at a time!

To eating savory and sweet,

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